Our consultants have many years of experience in public health insurance, management and project management. They provide guidance particularly health insurance, in health facilities and in government and public administration.

Our consultants have had many years of experience working in the field of expenditure (e.g. contracts, payments, registers, and analyses), ICT, project management and administration of health insurance companies.
We offer a description of existing processes using of appropriate tools, including designing their optimization based on our experience with the specific environment of health insurance companies.
ICT segment, contractual segment, reimbursement of health care segment, the segment of registers, the analyses and statistics segment.
The coordination and management of new projects, including negotiations with suppliers.
Designing the methodology for managed or integrated health care, tailor-made for a specific health insurance company, including designing electronic medical books; based on the practical knowledge of the environment of Czech insurance companies and the legislation in the Czech Republic.
From mapping of key users' needs, to a detailed written specification and creating assignment specifications for selection procedures, managing software project development and implementation.
Design of decision-supporting systems for health insurance companies' management.
Design of systems for the practical application of the principles of artificial intelligence and fraud management in health insurance companies (usually in the auditing section, marketing, MIS, and checking the collection of premiums).
Design of portal solutions based on experience in designing health insurance companies portals.
We will train your staff in matters relating to the operation of selected parts of the environment of health insurance companies; our trainers are familiar with the environment and the current legislation in this country.
Consultancy in the preparation of merging of health insurance companies based on the practical experience of our consultants.
Data analyses of income and expenditure of health insurance companies based on knowledge of DRG methodology and on practical knowledge of data interfaces for documents transmission, data interfaces for the regular reporting to the Ministry of Health, IHIS and NRC.
It includes analysis of reported data, of pricing amendments, of potential reserves, the use of the health care market, and implementing specialized software to support negotiations.
It maps key processes in the health facility holdings, focusing on their optimizing in the specific environment of the holding (mapping patient movements through the holding, comparing parts of a holding, etc.).
Current processes are described using appropriate tools, including the design to optimize them.
We will train your staff in matters relating to reporting to health insurance companies, IHIS, Ministry of Health, DRG methodologies and MKN10 and SNOMED coding.
We provide analyses of data reported to health insurers, DRG modeling and searching for usual methods of treatment.
Design of systems for larger health facilities interested in improving their economic results (or increasing profits). The proposed systems focus on modeling the impacts of concluding various types of price amendments, defining products of health facilities, capacity utilization, searching for common treatment methods, etc.
Designing decision support systems for managing larger health facilities.
Unlike in the commercial sector, in the state and public administration the rule is that "what is not expressly permitted is prohibited". This rule may sound obvious, but it should be noted that consultants trying to "recklessly" apply the commercial sector rules in the state and public administration could cause problems for their clients. Our professionals recognize these differences, because they have had many years of experience working in the public and government sectors. We are specialists.
The information systems of directly managed organizations typically do not have outputs that allow the founding organization to supervise them easily and comprehensively. What makes the situation even more complicated are cases where directly-managed organizations have different information systems. We have designed a system that provides a comprehensive and detailed quick overview of the current situation and future prospects. At the same time, we strive to propose solutions that do not increase the red tape in the organization, but on the contrary, automate most tasks.
The paperless office is not just a fashion fad, but nowadays it is almost a necessity, both in the commercial sphere, and increasingly also in state and public administration.
We can design such solutions that convert a "paper" office into a fully or partially paperless one, depending on the client's needs and the current legislation. In this context we specialize, among other things, in the rapid and effective fulfilment of Act 499/2004 Coll. on Archives and Records Management, including introducing guaranteed electronic archives, etc.
Public and state administration Internet portals require a specific approach to their design and implementation. Unlike the commercial sector, a major part of the rules is regulated directly by laws or decrees, and communication methods often cannot be contracted "the way programmers would prefer". Our experts specialize in these type of portals and their design respects all legislation and standards (CZ, EU and international) applicable to the sectors. Increased emphasis is put on adhering to the Law on Personal Data Protection and the Law on Electronic Signatures..
Do you want to know the effects of planned changes to your system before applying them? Would you like to predict the impact of a new law on the system? We perform bulk data analyses with predictions of future behaviour
We realize that individual departments of state and public administration are interdependent. A change in one sector will affect the others. We propose comprehensive solutions that respect the specifics of state and public administration.
Our staff has had many years of experience in the design and implementation of systems for financial and capital markets. Our specialists have been involved in the following projects (among others):
In this context we offer consultancy to all entities that operate in the field of financial and capital markets and want to automate their operations securely.
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