DS Admin is a system designed to facilitate the use of one or more ISDS data boxes. These data boxes make it possible to send official documents in electronic form to public authorities as well as receive them. It can also communicate with both private companies and individuals.
DS Admin options
- the system supports simultaneous work with multiple data boxes - work in one environment, one "window" - without repeated logging in
- messages can be filtered and sorted, just like email messages. Filtering and sorting messages from all connected data boxes can take place simultaneously
- archiving is automatic – the system regularly checks the contents of each data box, downloads new messages and permanently archives them. It records the delivery time, it downloads and archives all messages that were sent by other systems (ISDS, records management, etc.)
- reports, including attachments, can be exported both individually and collectively
- before it is sent (who must approve it, how many persons must confirm the report before it is sent, etc.)
- deferred messaging
- mailing daily overviews - every day at a specified time a list of messages sent and received in the past 24 hours is sent out, as well as an overview of all messages in the approval process. The mailing list is derived from the rights and settings of users